Historic Minutes & Agendas : 2024 Board Action Items : 2024-07 Board Action Items

July 2024 Board Action Items


  • Accepted Board Contingency, Unassigned and Capital Outlay, Projects, and Fund Balance Reserves reports.
  • Approved of April 2024 Monthly Financial Reports
  • Adopted Order 24-011001 approving District Employee Job Descriptions.
  • Adopted Order 24-0711-02 approving revised District Employee Organization Chart.
  • Adopted Order 24-0711-03 approving revised District Employee PayScale.
  • Adopt Order 24-0711-04 approving Fiscal Year 2025 District Pay Day and Holiday Calendar.
  • Accepted report concerning Parks and Recreation operations.
  • Approved DigDug Construction LLC and Adopt Order No. 24-0711-05 Approving contract for the Shirley McDonald Park Landscape Improvements Project funded by $92,000 from FY24 Budget Reserves, $16,840 previously approved board contingency and the additional $141,127 from Board Contingency.
  • Approved Whirlix Design and Adopt Order No. 24-0711-06 Approving contract for the Sendero Springs Park Playscape Replacement Project for $269,983.07 with surplus funding of $94 K from the PARD Community Center Gutter Replacement, 75 K, and Sendero Springs Pool, $10 K in FY24 Operating Budget Reserves and reassigning $9 K funds from unassigned allocated. add reimbursement for bond funded by Board contingency.
  • Approved additional funding of $50,829 for Cat Hollow Park Renovation funded from Parks Capital Reserve.
  • Approved additional funding of $30,000 for Cat Hollow Park Electrical Project funded from Board Contingency.
  • Approved moving forward with Cat Hollow Pool bathroom floors.
  • Approved not to move forward with the purchase of a mobile stage and sound system, moving budgeted funds $150,000 to Board Contingency


  • Approved Board meeting minutes from the following meetings: June 20, 2024, and June 27, 2024
  • Adopted Order 24-0725-01 approving revised Raw Water Rate charged to Williamson County for park irrigation.
  • Accepted Board Contingency, Unassigned and Capital Outlay, Projects, and Fund Balance Reserves reports.
  • Accepted report concerning disposition of property previously declared to be surplus by Order of the Board of Directors.
  • Accepted report concerning Shared Services operations and projects.
  • Accepted report concerning Public Works Operations.
  • Adopted Order 24-0725-02 approving agreement with eSentire for Cybersecurity Services.
  • Adopted Order 24-0725-04  approving agreement with Asgard for Penetration Testing Services.
  • Approved District Employee Benefits enrollment and effective date of January 1, 2025.
  • Adopted Order 24-0725-03  approving Amendment No. 1 with MRB Group for the Water System Model.
  • Approved Public Relations Firm project plan.
  • Adopted Order 24-0725-05  approving Fiscal Year 2024 Financial Audit Engagement letter.
  • Adopted the Fiscal Year 2025 Board and Committee Meeting Schedule
  • Approved to switch from LUE to ERU and keep the $2.00 per month rate for Fiscal Year 2025.

Board Meeting Packets