Policies, Rules & Rates : Access & Use of District Swim Facilities

Access & Use of District Swim Facilities

1. Types of Authorization:  The following persons are authorized to utilize the District’s swimming pool facilities:

    A. Resident Swim Pass- A Resident Swim Pass may be purchased by individuals that occupy a residence located within the District. The Resident Swim Pass entitles the holder thereof to utilize the swimming pool facilities at any time they are open for public use. Resident Swim Passes are issued for an annual term
    B. Non-Resident Swim Pass- A Non-Resident Swim Pass is available and may be purchased by a family or individuals that occupy a residence that is not located within the District. The purchaser of a Non-Resident Swim Pass is entitled to the same privileges and use of the swimming pool facilities as holders of a Resident Swim Pass.
    C. Day Pass- A person that is not the holder of a Resident Swim Pass or a Non-Resident Swim Pass must purchase a Day Pass in order to utilize District swim facilities for the day on which the pass is issued.
    D. Children- Children three years old or younger may enter District swimming pool facilities if they are accompanied by an adult who is the holder of a Swim Pass or a Day Pass. All children under twelve (12) years must be accompanied by an individual aged 16 years or older at all times. No adult may bring more than four (4) children under twelve (12) years of age.
    E. Other Authorization- A person who is a member or guest of an individual or group that has entered into a contract with the District for use of one or more swimming pool facilities shall be authorized to use the facilities in accordance with the terms and limitations of the contract.
  • Swim Passes and Day Passes are personal to an individual and may not be sold, transferred or otherwise assigned in any manner.
  • The Board of Directors of the District may change or alter Swim Pass rules, memberships, or privileges at any time.

2. Fees and Charges: The Board of Directors of the District shall establish and revise the costs of the Resident Swim Pass, the Non-Resident Swim Pass, and the Day Pass from time to time through adoption of an order establishing such rates.

3. Refunds: The costs of a Swim Pass (Resident and Non-Resident) are non-refundable. The purchaser of a Day Pass is entitled to a refund or credit if the pool is closed while they are present by District staff prior to the scheduled close time. Upon early closure of a pool, District staff will present Day Pass purchasers with a voucher that can be presented for credit on future purchases or can be mailed to the District for a refund.

4. Pool Hours: The Board of Directors of the District shall establish and amend from time to time a schedule specifying the dates and hours that the District’s swimming pool facilities are open to holders of a swim pass or a day pass. Any person without authorization who enters or remains in a District swimming pool facility except during authorized hours, or who refuses to leave the facility upon request of a District representative, including by a District security officer, will be considered a trespasser, and may be subject to prosecution.

5. Pool Closure: The District’s General Manager or his authorized designee may close or limit the number of patrons at any swimming pool facilities at any time in his or her sole and absolute discretion for the protection of health or safety, for operational and maintenance purposes, or for any other reason. Please see the District's Inclement Weather Guidelines.