About BCMUD : FY 2023-24 Strategic Goals

FY 2023 – 2024
Strategic Goals
To promote the highest quality of life in the Brushy Creek Community by providing the best level of water and wastewater, parks and recreation, and other services in the most cost-effective manner.

The Brushy Creek MUD vision is to provide a sustainable and carefully managed infrastructure delivering superior water, amenities, and services that preserve and conserve the natural elements of Brushy Creek and provide our residents with access to parks, attractions, programs, and recreational opportunities that appeal to a growing and diverse population. This is “The Brushy Creek Life.”
- Fiscal Responsibility: We are committed to policy objectives and strategies that sustain fiscal stability, transparency, and accountability.
- Exceptional Customer Experience: We continue to raise the bar on programs, activities, services, and amenities to provide our Customers with an exceptional Customer experience.
- Community Involvement: We value and facilitate community engagement from residents, visitors, team members, advisory committees, and partners to bring meaningful and consistent support to improve the District.
- High Quality of Life: We value our utilities, parks, green spaces, recreation facilities, and other areas that improve the quality of life, which makes our community desirable for residents, visitors, and business owners.
- Relationships: We value our relationships with community-based groups, elected leaders, governmental entities, and neighboring communities.
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Strategic Goals 2022 - 2032
Strategic Goal #1: Expansion of Award-winning Standards of Excellence
Strategic Goal Statement: Expand Award-Winning Quality of Service and Standards of Excellence Across the District.
Rationale: Brand awareness, brand differentiation, and brand quality are essential to advance The Brushy Creek Life.
Anticipated Outcomes:
- Widely-recognized as an award-winning community to live, work and play.
- Recognized as an employer of choice, attracting and retaining high-quality talent.
- Increased community participation and commitment to The Brushy Creek Life and District Goals.
- Continued and expanded recognition for top-rated Utilities, Services, Parks, Programs, Facilities, and Community events.
- Continued recognition as a TCEQ-rated Superior water district.
Objectives and Actions (Strategies to Achieve Goal):
1.1 Build The Brushy Creek Life Brand.
- Incorporate the brand strategy (The Brushy Creek Life) into the New Hire Orientation process and the Onboarding Program.
- Create an onboarding program for new Residents.
- Create a brand ambassador program to support The Brushy Creek Life for Team Members, Advisory D. Committee Members, and the community as a whole.
- Develop and administer regular feedback mechanisms to provide input on The Brushy Creek Life to the Board.
- Create and implement outreach program strategies to promote the District and keep stakeholders and partners informed on the District’s brand identity.
1.2 Adopt and establish standards of excellence and best practices supporting District-wide organizational effectiveness.
- Enhance District Financial reporting to receive recognition for financial reporting best practices.
- Ensure compliance and conformance with regulations to sustain quality and service standards of excellence for the District’s physical infrastructure, including buildings, parks, pools, lift stations, and facilities.
- Continue to maintain or exceed the TCEQ Superior Water rating standards by evaluating operational procedures and promoting professional development.
1.3 Develop and adopt employer of choice strategy as the guiding principle for the District’s human resources practices.
- Complete benchmarking of employer of choice strategy.
- Design, develop and implement employer of choice strategies into HR management practices.
- Design, develop, and deliver a Manager/Supervisor development program.
- Enhance the onboarding program to ensure inclusion of The Brushy Creek Life for team members, committee members, and board directors.
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Strategic Goal Statement: Manage Our District Responsibly.
Rationale: Managing responsibly means ensuring our infrastructure exhibits the District’s standards of excellence for maintenance, quality, and longevity for the District’s internal structures, processes, and technologies.
Anticipated Outcomes:
- Effective decision-making guided by District residents, customers, partners, team members, consultants, and vendors.
- Reduced vulnerabilities in the District’s core operational, financial, and regulatory functions through engaged management and oversite of the District’s physical assets, management practices, budgets, fund balances, and investments.
- Alignment with community expectations as evidenced by high community participation, positive and constructive feedback, and the District’s ability to meet its financial obligations.
- Continuity and stability in staffing.
Objectives and Actions (Strategies to Achieve Goal):
2.1 Expand and execute master planning for the District; including:
- Complete the 2010-2027 Parks Master Plan,
- Approve a new Parks Master Plan, 2022-2032, that includes a long-term maintenance plan,
- Approve a Public Works Asset Management and Contingency Plan, 2022-2032,
- Risk and Resilience Assessment and Emergency Response Plan, 2022-2027, and
- Complete and maintain the District’s asset inventory report.
- Develop GIS Strategic Master Plan
2.2 Manage and assess opportunities for improving the security of physical, organizational, and cyber infrastructures by creating and updating:
- The District-wide risk assessment, including safety and security audits,
- The District risk mitigation plan,
- Standard operating procedures,
- The District safety and security plan, and
- The District’s Emergency Response Plan.
2.3 Maintain the continuity and integrity of Board relations and communications to facilitate effective governance and oversight of District matters as described in the Board Decorum policy.
2.4 Enhance our opportunities for gathering community feedback such as focus groups, comment cards, surveys, and other forms of engagement.
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Strategic Goal Statement: Elevate Community Engagement
Rationale: Elevated community engagement enables our customers "any entity or person with whom we interact with" to better experience the Brushy Creek Life and supports the District’s operations and activities.
Anticipated Outcomes:
- Enhanced communications enabling the District to ensure quality, accuracy, and timeliness of information.
- Increased engagement with third parties for mutually improved outcomes for all.
- Better understanding by each resident that they are part of the District
- Continually improve security for our District, such as Reverse 911.
- Strengthened relationships to maximize a sense of community through programs, activities, and services.
- BCMUD is recognized for its expertise and influence.
Objectives and Actions (Strategies to Achieve Goal):
3.1 Design, develop and implement internal and external communications aligned with best practices.
- Complete a District-wide assessment of internal and external communications.
- Create a communication plan for messaging about policies, Board actions, and the internal brand.
- Create an external communication plan for messaging residents about District-related matters.
3.2 Create educational opportunities.
- Create a “Brushy Creek Academy” where formal training is focused on providing career growth and educational opportunities related to utilities, parks, aquatics, recreation, administration, maintenance, and more.
- Educational programs for residents about the District’s operations and amenities.
- More interactive and engaging technologies to improve community awareness.
3.3 Enhance the District’s relationships with key stakeholders, including partners, professional organizations, and suppliers.
- Create a marketing and communication plan to strengthen the District’s relationship with District partners.
- Develop plans to increase the District’s participation in national and state organizations.
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Strategic Goal Statement: Leverage Technology.
Rationale: Utilize technology in operations to support and promote our programs, services, activities, and products; deliver them more efficiently, effectively; and enhance our services and productivity.
Anticipated Outcomes:
- Recognized as a technology enabled organization.
- Maximized operational efficiencies to sustain and enhance quality, interoperability, and security of data.
- Utilizing team resources more efficiently.
- Enhanced end-user experience.
- Upgraded systems leading to improved response times and analytics.
- Enhanced transparency to retain public trust and support.
Objectives and Actions (Strategies to Achieve Goal):
4.1 Invest in and implement technology that allows for operational efficiencies.
- Complete a District-wide assessment to identify short- and long-term technology needs.
- Design, develop and deliver a Technology Implementation Plan including a prioritized roadmap for upgrades to GIS, HR, Financial, and Utilities technology.
- Develop and incorporate strategies for maximizing technology in the Emergency Preparedness and Response Plans.
- Design, develop and deliver exceptional training.
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Strategic Goal Statement: Embrace preservation and conservation activities.
Rationale: Brushy Creek will be a model community for current and future generations.
Anticipated Outcomes:
- Increased community participation in water conservation and initiatives.
- Recognized as a good steward of green spaces and natural resources.
- Promote comprehensive and innovative guidelines and best practices to maintain The Brushy Creek Life.
- Maintain financial stability utilizing financial models, forecasts, and cash flow projections.
Objectives and Actions (Strategies to Achieve Goal):
5.1 Create a preservation and conservation model.
- Develop and implement District-specific environmental guidelines for projects.
- Develop and establish financial stability guidelines for the Risk and Resiliency Plans.
5.2 Develop and implement educational programs for Team Members and Residents on preservation and conservation.
- Complete an assessment of current educational programming.
- Develop and update educational programming and opportunities, such as Karst management and recycling.
- Ensure communication, encouragement, and accountability which supports our water conservation and natural water resources.
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