Camps : Vacation Day Camps

Vacation Day Camps

No school?  No worries, we have you covered! 

Bring your child for a fun-filled day of games, sports, crafts, and more! Brushy Creek Camp Counselors are ready with activities kids will love. Please bring a lunch and water bottle for your child each day. Parents must pre-register in person at the Community Center Customer Service office.

7:00 am - 6:00 pm
Brushy Creek Community Center

Choose your day  

Ages:  K - 5th grade


  • $30 BCCC Member |$40 BCMUD Resident | $50 Non-Resident

*A minimum of 25 participants must be registered for this Program to be held*


  • Cancellation Policy: If you need to withdraw from any day of camp registered, a 14 day written notice must be made and a $25 administration fee per submission will be kept from the refund amount 

    Register Online

    **ALL registration for Camps closes the Friday before that particular day of camp*