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2/19/2021 - Boil Water Status Update 2/19 11:30am

Boil Water Status Update

Brushy Creek MUD Water Customers:

We have received numerous inquiries regarding the status of water service in Brushy Creek MUD and the status of the Boil Water Notice previously issued by the District which is still in effect.  This communication is intended to provide a brief overview of the impact of the winter storms on the District’s public water system, the current status of the Boil Water Notice, and required events in order for the Boil Water Notice to be lifted.   

On February 17, 2021, at approximately 1:13 a.m., the District experienced a low-pressure event in its water system due to the extreme weather conditions and curtailment of electricity at both the Lake Georgetown intake facility and the water treatment facility.  Using a combination of emergency generators and intermittent restoration of power on the grid, water system pressures were subsequently restored at approximately 2:45 a.m. that morning.    

TCEQ requires that public water systems provide notice to customers within 24 hours of a low distribution pressure event using one or more delivery methods: 

•            Radio/TV 
•            Newspaper 
•            Direct delivery or continuous posting 
•            Electronic delivery or alert system   

Although the District’s offices were closed, BCMUD promptly communicated the Boil Water Notice to its customers using all four methods the morning of February 17.   

Under TCEQ requirements for public water systems, a boil water notice must remain in effect until the following four criteria are satisfied: 

1.           Water distribution pressures greater than 20 psi are consistently maintained; and, 
2.           The distribution system has been flushed; and, 
3.           Water entering the distribution system has a turbidity level that is consistently maintained below 1.0 NTU (the unit used to measure the turbidity of a fluid or the presence of suspended particles in water); and, 
4.           Microbiological samples are analyzed by an accredited lab.   

The BCMUD water treatment facility is currently producing water to meet and exceed TCEQ required water quality levels and the water distribution pressure is currently being maintained above 20psi. Intermittent power outages at the District’s intake facility and water treatment facility are being resolved (and re-resolved) with Pedernales Electric Cooperative. 

After temperatures rise above freezing, the District will be able to flush the distribution system.  The District will also send water samples to an accredited laboratory upon the laboratory’s reopening and being operational. 

When all four requirements are satisfied, the District will immediately issue a rescind order for the Boil Water Notice.  Notifications will be provided on the District website as well as through our email notification system.  If you are not already subscribed to the email notification system, we encourage you to send your contact information to customerservice@bcmud.org.  

We appreciate all customers’ cooperation and patience during this extreme event which has affected nearly half the population across all of Texas and most all of the population of the greater Austin Metropolitan Area.  Please know that your BCMUD Team is working day and night (literally) to restore your water supply to the level of quality that you have come to expect from this team.   

For more information about what to do during this Boil Water Notice period, please review the CDC Boil Water Advisory.

For more information about what to do after the Boil Water Notice has been rescinded, please click here


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