Open Records Request : Public Information

Public Information

General Information

State and Federal laws allow individuals as well as private companies and government organizations to request for review or copy government documents of a public nature. The District is committed to providing as much public content as possible while safeguarding protected confidential information. This web page was created to furnish information concerning the Public Information Act. Included are web and archive available information and how to find it; how to request documents; FAQ's; District Policy, State Laws, and handbooks. If you cannot find the information you seek on this or related web pages you are welcome to contact the Public Information Officer via the methods listed below.

Existing Open Records Requests:

Listing files in 'Existing Open Records Requests'

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I obtain public information?

A requestor may send a request by US Mail, e-mail, fax or deliver it in person.

By US Mail: Brushy Creek Municipal Utility District
Attn: Public Information Officer
16318 Great Oaks Drive
Round Rock, Texas 78681

In Person: Brushy Creek Municipal Utility District
16318 Great Oaks Drive
Round Rock, Texas 78681

By E-mail:

How do I phrase my request? Is there a special form I should use?

Your request does not need to cite a specific law or statute, nor does it need to be on a special form. A request may be typed or handwritten. It must have enough information to identify the information requested, the requestor's name and a means to communicate with the requestor (i.e. address, telephone number, etc.) An open records request must be for information that exists at the time of the request.

Will I get all the information I want?

Brushy Creek Municipal Utility District believes in open government and strives to fulfill all open records requests. However, there may be occasions in which information may fall under one of the exceptions allowed by law. Exceptions frequently include confidential information. Some exceptions are mandatory (required non-disclosure) while others are discretionary (depends on circumstances surrounding the document); some exceptions are permanent, while others are temporary. Brushy Creek MUD will release information that does not fall under the exceptions and will send the excepted information to the Texas Office of the Attorney General (OAG) for an opinion on disclosure. Once the OAG has rendered an opinion, the District will comply. Documents are usually furnished to the requestor within 10 business days. Requests that are voluminous, archived or that require manipulation, may take more time. In such cases, the requestor is notified that more time is needed and a firm time and date for release is set.

What is an "Open Records Request"? Is that the same as a "Request for Public Information"?

Requests for Public Information, also known as "open records requests", are simply requests for information that has been "collected, assembled or maintained" by or for a governmental body. (Government Code, Chapter 552)

Other Places to Search for Documents

Brushy Creek Municipal Utility District has a great deal to offer. You can find the latest Board and Committee Meeting Agendas and Packets, employment opportunities on our website. The Parks and Recreation Department page has catalogs and other information on Community activities.