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1/7/2009 - BOIL WATER NOTICE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

On Wednesday January 7, 2008 a contractor drilled into a water line and caused a temporary water outage and loss of water pressure. We do not anticipate any contaminated water however as a precaution the Brushy Creek Municipal Utility District is issuing a boil water notice for residents in the eastern portion of the Cat Hollow subdivision and the Brushy Creek section 1 and 2 until Friday January 9 at 5:00 PM.

During this period, it is recommended that as a precaution, water for drinking, cooking, and ice making should be boiled and cooled prior to consumption. The water should be brought to a vigorous, rolling boil and then boiled for two minutes. In lieu of boiling, you may purchase bottled water or obtain water from some other suitable source. The following streets are affected:

Ansonia Trail Hillrock Northfield
Aquila Court Hillside Ocelot Way
Arrow Head Jackal Peacemaker
Bobcat Jilbur Peruga Lane
Buckskin Judy Scholl Way Rollingway
Campeche Bay Karst View Cove Sabertooth
Chat Lenz Split Rock
Conerstone Liberty Walk east of O’Connor Springbok
Cutaway Cove Mannix Stray Cove
Dorman Margay Tonkinese
Freemont Menlo Park Velona Drive
Hickock Monument Velona Loop

For questions, please consult the District website at www.bcmud.org or call 512-255-7871for additional information.

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